High Tower Street - West [color]SirInkman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sirinkman/art/High-Tower-Street-West-color-433501360SirInkman

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High Tower Street - West [color]



PS color and texture from pencil drawing

So on another road from the town of Old Gilgenny on Carmegenny Island, in a fantastical setting of a story I've been developing for a while now. Nope... still don't have that map ready. It's proving to be more than originally expected. If you saw the pencil drawing you'll notice some changes or rather additions on the right side. There was too much empty space just past the blue wood building so I had to sketch in some stuff in PS to complete it. Once I did that the door was open and I added a bit more. Signs of life... crows in town. Lots of them. The nice parts of town are looking a bit darker. I didn't add people in there as I haven't decided on the level of technology and such for the story so didn't want to commit myself to something just yet. I did a simpler fade type of clouds because the other styles I tried just looked too busy next to everything else.
I referenced shochin's crow image notaku's world vi for the crow. My first bird painting so I was pleased.
notako's world vi by shochin

Here's the pencil drawing...  and the other Old Gilgenny builds and sketches. Bentwood House might be on the edge of town.
High Tower Street - West by SirInkman Back Stair Street [color] by SirInkman Back Stair Street by SirInkmanBentwood House by SirInkmanThe Barnacle [pencil] by SirInkman
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© 2014 - 2025 SirInkman
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Tilzeran's avatar
This is very interesting, especially because there is no fachwerk.
I try to paint a light-erotic fest in the village of Munchkins (Oz), but they have round houses that always look too fabulous.