Harlasea - GrymnarSirInkman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sirinkman/art/Harlasea-Grymnar-625562280SirInkman

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Harlasea - Grymnar



Participant of the CGTrader Digital Art Competition
I'm entering CGTrader's competition for 2018 with a few pieces.
This one is for Environment Illustration.

This one started life as a pencil sketch concept, then drawn and painted in PS

Over at the Cartographers Guild there was a challenge to make a map based off a one of the randomly generated list of locations by this one site.
It was a great idea and had really good participation. I had loads of fun with this one.
I may have over done it just a bit, but hey - I was having fun, so no worries.

Here's the location I was basing mine on...
Harlasea, an ancient plane of rough-hewn valleys and sapphire oceans, illuminated by a golden sun.
The plane is primarily the home of humans, with smaller numbers of other races.
The Humans of Harlasea are beset by swarms of wyverns.

You can see the development over on the Guild - www.cartographersguild.com/sho…
I'm already working on a map of the larger Harlasea West area, so I'll post that when done.

Other bits....
Powell House by SirInkman  Lands of Qaliste [stage1] by sirinkman by SirInkman  The Northlands by SirInkman   The Isle of Shab'ra'tan by SirInkman   Improbable Island by SirInkman   Ashford Castle Hotel and Resort 2016 by SirInkman
Image size
3000x2331px 3.27 MB
© 2016 - 2025 SirInkman
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Neferchau's avatar
Interesting angle! Nice work.