GrayHound and CrowSirInkman on DeviantArt

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GrayHound and Crow



pencil drawing

The Gray Hound Inn and Olde Crow Tavern
Sitting on the north end of the Solhuag coast near the Bay of Beretheg, the Gray Hound is the last inn before the long inland road north toward the city of Warnock and the Rimene region of Shirain of Luma.

The inn sits on the high rocky coast several miles beyond the nearest town of Bregeb, itself some 10-15 miles outside of Low Barmuck, last of the dominant cities of south Shirain. The Gray Hound and Crow was once part of the private estate of the Gherhaser family, who were eventually done in by the predations of sea raiders from the outer Solhuag islands beyond Sutheg.

This was done as the first part of a small local map, which should be up tomorrow or wednesday.
More to come with the map.

Other bits...
Sagemound [front] by sirinkman by SirInkman GrayHound and Crow map by SirInkman Bourmout [frontpage] by SirInkman Harbor and Gristle [pencil] by SirInkman Gihn Mofeht's house [pencil] by SirInkman The Barnacle [pencil] by SirInkman 
Image size
1600x1082px 1.09 MB
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anonymous's avatar
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Absolutely gorgeous effort good sir o.o