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This map takes a look at an area with the region known as Nor-Medul, in the world of Nhyn.
I made a map of that region last year and finished/posted it here on January 1st, 2019.
Nor-Medul is a fun region to work in. Lots of cool terrain and fun place names.
I'm sure we'll see some more visits into this region.

I may do a second version of the Nor-Medul map.
That first one was more of an experiment, which was more or less successful.
I'm still in the painfully slow process of developing the world map for Nhyn.
Trying to balance known versus unknown regions, leaving something to mystery.

I'm been super busy lately so the story bit may have to wait a short while,
and will come out first over on the blog -
Anyways, enjoy some Nhyn pics today :) Cheers, J

Other bits... from Nhyn...
Skenara [Land Beyond the Sea] by SirInkman  City of Rognal by SirInkman  Haldeshar by SirInkman  Gate of Tomhagar by SirInkman  Thendrais map by SirInkman  The Dragon's Roost by SirInkman
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2000x1522px 1.44 MB
© 2019 - 2025 SirInkman
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berlonipepponi's avatar

It's so wonderful. If only I could do maps like yours. I am quite fond of maps, you know. Thank you so much for sharing.