Born Free Safaris - South Africa regionSirInkman on DeviantArt

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Born Free Safaris - South Africa region



start to finish in Photoshop

This map of the south African region is from a series I did back in 2015 for the well reviewed photo safari company, Born Free.
The focus was predominantly the parks in each country but there was also a desire for the feel I was creating in my fantasy maps as well.

So I came up with a simplified way of rendering the terrain so it would be consistent across the series.
In total, it was six maps. Kenya was the first and set the tome.
Tanzania followed that map and fully solidified the style.
South Africa was the third map and had some interesting features to render.
Later, we ended up doing a whole southern Africa region map [shown here] that allowed me to delve more into the surrounding region.
The highlight for all of these maps is the parks and a decent look at the terrain of the area.
Some parks were not labeled as they were too small here or were to be marked on a later map of the east Africa region.

Other bits...
Born Free safaris - Kenya-Tanzania by SirInkman  Born Free safaris - South Africa by SirInkman  Ward of Chiezbehrg [City of Guild] by SirInkman  The Edge of Land by SirInkman  Harlasea - Grymnar by SirInkman  Skenara [Land Beyond the Sea] by SirInkman
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1400x1799px 916.35 KB
© 2017 - 2025 SirInkman
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vorropohaiah's avatar
Gorgeous work on this :)