Just doing a post to clear the near year old journal. I don't really use this site as much anymore.
No need to watch this space.
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Bye bye London
So now, a year after I moved to London I'm back home in Norway. Currently staying at my parents place near Trondheim.I never posted any more about London as promised in the previous post. In fact, I've mostly used dA to just check the messages.In any case, it now looks like I'm heading towards webdesign rather than modelmaking as a career. I'm working on updating my website to reflect that. And I'm more likely to post on my own blog than here. Though I wonder if it's possible to have it synced somehow...I've got a couple of live projects done. The first was my old Modelmaker course, where my tutors wanted a website to present the course. T...
What happened?! I live in London!
Right, so, this is the short story: I didn't move back home to Norway anyway, I ended up doing a pitstop in London. Finally got the internet in my new house. I have some new stuff hidden away that I'll upload eventually.Now, please hang on for the long story.
Manana Manana!
Yo party people! Just wanted to get rid of this old journal I had there. My London Show is next week and after that I'm pretty much done. Gonna post some new pictures when I come back and also upload a mini-site for my Final Major Project. I hope to get yet another activity rush here before I get bogged down with a job or something.On a sidenote: It's summer people! Get outside and have fun!
El grande finale!
Activity at last. It's been a while since I last posted something here now. the Arts Institute keep me busy. I completed my 6000 word research project. It feels so good to have that done now. Writing is horrible. Don't like it, don't think I ever will.Now I am really excited as I am free to fully focus on my Final Major Project. I'm free to make whatever I want and I will be doing that until May. Then we will prepare for the London show in beginning of July. After that... well.... I dunno... I gotto find my self a way to make my living... ...but all in it's own time.
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