Bye bye London

2 min read

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sirethomas's avatar
So now, a year after I moved to London I'm back home in Norway. Currently staying at my parents place near Trondheim.

I never posted any more about London as promised in the previous post. In fact, I've mostly used dA to just check the messages.

In any case, it now looks like I'm heading towards webdesign rather than modelmaking as a career. I'm working on updating my website to reflect that. And I'm more likely to post on my own blog than here. Though I wonder if it's possible to have it synced somehow...

I've got a couple of live projects done. The first was my old Modelmaker course, where my tutors wanted a website to present the course. Then through a landlord of a friend of a friend I did a website for someone dealing with properties. And I currently got a job going for the company another friend of mine works for. In addition I'm working on a community project which I'm lagging behind badly.

I got allot to sort out from the move from London; all my stuff being moved and unpacked, cancelling old contracts in England, informing about change of address, complete my tax return, etc etc...

But at the moment there's not a whole lot I can do because my stuff which I sent by boat hasn't arrived yet. ...or it might have arrived, but need to pass customs.

...btw... I just noticed that some of my older journal entries here is duplicated.... hmm.. oddities...
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