The Boltons feat. ReekSir-Heartsalot on DeviantArt

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The Boltons feat. Reek




So I intended to spend a little more time on this, but I got bored with it so moved on.

Roose Bolton is a serious jerk, he's sort of like Tywin Lannister if Tywin Lannister actually enjoyed the hurt he puts on people. I always got the feeling Tywin did it just cuz it must needs needed to be did.

Anyway his beefy son there is Flayvor Flayv. He's sort of like The Mountain That Makes You Cry. Then there's Reek, one of my new favorites. An old favorite, and then a new favorite. He actually used to be really lame, but after some serious character development became the Reek I know and love. He's forgotten how lame he used to be. You have you remember you're lammmmeee!

And if you comment and you do not have at least one word that rhymes with Reek, so help me I will go Manderly on you. I'm serious. Manderly. All over you.
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TheWildTornado's avatar
Reek rhymes with weak! I've been reading book 5 recently, and I've seen a lot of Roose and The Bastard and his pet. that moment when Roose told Ramsay he should've find the lost Freys and Ramsay responded "The world won't be short of Freys!" and he was soooooo goddamned right :D he has a sense of humor that is interesting when you are safely away from him! Although I hate him, along with Daario and Walder Frey. I hope they bloody die soon enough :/