Watching Gemmasinan7964 on DeviantArt

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sinan7964's avatar

Watching Gemma

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1000x827px 703.6 KB
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1/820 second
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5 mm
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Date Taken
Dec 20, 2014, 10:01:35 AM
© 2016 - 2025 sinan7964
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Maybe he's complimenting her appearance.

Tiny man: Hey, your Gemma Atkinson right?

Gemma: That's right.

Tiny man: I've heard a lot about you. Can I have your autograph?

Gemma: Sure. Later though I left my pen and notepad in the car.

The tiny guy starts to flirt with her.

Gemma: Why are you looking at me like that?

Tiny man: I was distracted by your bikini.

Gemma: Want to take a ride?

Tiny man: Would I ever!

He pays Gemma $5.00 to relax inside her clevage for 10 minutes.

Gemma: Time's up.

Tiny man: Already?

Gemma: Come back tomorrow and I'll give you 15 minutes. Sound good?

Tiny man: ok.

The next day, he arrived at the harbor and waited 3 hours for Gemma to meet him.

Tiny man: Where is she?

Moments later, he hears a familiar stomping sound. He is nearly swept off his feet as Gemma marches through the water to look for him.

Gemma: I brought my Sharpie with me. Where do you want me to sign?

Tiny Man: You might be too big to leave your autograph without running out of room.

Gemma: That's Ok. I know how to fix that.

Gemma shrinks down to human size and signs his shirt.

Tiny Man: How did you do that?

Gemma: One of the perks to being a celebrity is that you can gain superpowers. Mine is size alteration.

Tiny Man: You're a model and a superhero?!

Gemma: Yeah. Too bad I don't have a secret identity. Would you like 15 minutes for 5 dollars or 30 minutes for 10?

The Tiny man gives her 10 dollars to enjoy a nice relaxing spa experience between Gemma's massive breasts. His time is up before he knows it and decides to meet Gemma again the next day. He returns home and gives his autographed shirt to the eldest of his three kids.

Oldest kid: You actually met her?

Tiny man: Yeah. I heard she's your childhood hero. Did you know she's also a superhero?

Oldest kid: Really?! What kind of powers does she have?

Tiny man: How about we save that for tomorrow. I'll take all of you to meet her. How does that sound?

They all went to sleep, and the next day, they met Gemma, only human size at the harbor.

Tiny man: Alright. Here comes your favorite part.

Gemma grows to goddess size and the kids all stare in shock.

Oldest kid: Can she grow any bigger?

Gemma: I can grow to any size I want to, but I'm afraid if I do, someone will get hurt.

Oldest kid: How big can you grow?

Gemma: I could outgrow the entire universe if I wanted to, but I choose not to. Everyone will get hurt. I don't want that.

They all wave goodbye to Gemma, and promise to visit her at least once every week. As they head home, Gemma does the same.