Obey Linuxsimpletoker on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/simpletoker/art/Obey-Linux-130855300simpletoker

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simpletoker's avatar

Obey Linux



my version of the obey hope poster put together using Gimp (a free photoshop alternative) . here's a picture of it put up around town. the penguin (named Tux) is originally drawn by Larry Ewing. feel free to download it and make your own copies. (I'm all for promoting LINUX). they make nice little stickers that can easily be put around town and is just as easy to wheat paste every where.
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1467x1911px 146.69 KB
anonymous's avatar
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This is an awesome design. I took the original, modified the wording, and am making an embroidered badge that I'll be distributing in Tokyo Hackerspace. @simpletoker if you can send me your info (on twitter, i'm @freaklabs) I can send you a few. Here is a picture of the embroidered badge. [link]