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System Alliance iOS wallpaper



Edit: Yes, I did manage to publish it first with two "p"-s in Shepard. Me is fail :iconwth2plz:

Remember back to when we only had two decks, and Joker had to fly the thing on his own? Now you can at least take your phone back with this Alliance-themed wallpaper for your smartphones and media-players and whatnot.

Took me quite awhile to find a way to do this. I had a very simple one in the start, but it seemed too simple. In the end I thought up this, and I think I am as pleased now as i can get.

Of course, I made a easy-looking wallpaper to use on the home screen (behind your apps):

So, please share it with your friends. Blog it, tweet it, Facebook it, Tumblr it, phone it, smoke it, do what you want!
I hope you'll help me spread it around this time. I don't really wanna bug the poor gameplay designer at BioWare (Christina Norman, @truffle) anymore. But if one of you want do, who am I to stop you :iconicameplz:

So anyway, the Mass Effect franchise and the System Alliance Military logo are © BioWare.
This wallpaper is shared under an Creative Commons license. You can share it as you like, but follow the guidelines of the license.
Image size
640x960px 463.97 KB
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jedi00j's avatar
Ever thought aubout doing a remake for iPhone 5/6?