Star and Light-effect Brushessimen91 on DeviantArt

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simen91's avatar

Star and Light-effect Brushes



Simen 91's Star and Light Effect Brushes can be used in pictures assembling space scenes or where you play around with light and glow.

It contains stars in various sizes and with different brush settings. As well as some light and glow effects that can ble applied as a finish to your piece of art!

Please :+fav: if you use these brushes, and it would also be nice if you handed me a note :)

The 4 Preview-pictures are all made by me;
Cityscape recolored. [link]
Inspiration. Life. [link]
Menace [link]
the Umbrella Dream [link]

Please do not use these brushes in projects where you will self take profit from the result. At least sort it out with me in advance.
© 2011 - 2025 simen91
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