Surnom: Hayatte
Particularité: Prédatrice de monsieur chat, collectioneuse de sous vétement mignon.
Current Residence: France
Favourite genre of music: J-Pop, J-Rock, Métal, and european or americain music (60's 70's 80's band in majority)
Favourite style of art: Manga, pokéart, hentai and horror style =)
MP3 player of choice: Windaube média player
Personal Quote: Drawing is my drugs @_@
Favourite Visual Artist
Hirohiko araki Junji Ito Davy Mourier
Favourite TV Shows who :paf:
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
H.P. Lovecraft
Favourite Games
Tales of the abyss, tales of graces f xenoblade chronicle, Pokemon volt white blae black 1/2 (fan made)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Japanese cultur, pretty underwear, tentacle porn