FAQ for potential commissioners
My home is tobacco smoke free, however sage, lavender and other herbs are burned on premises, away from work materials
My home is mold free
My home is largely perfume free outside of bodywash, and even then it's extremely limited due to my own allergies
My home is aerosol free
I am currently playing butler to two pigeons, however they have as limited access to any of my work related materials as possible to avoid allergen exposure.
For any other questions and concerns regarding allergies and health, feel free to contact me.
My name is Arin. I am a nonbinary transmasc hobby artist living in Alberta, Canada. I'm also a bit of a jack of all trades. I do a variety of different kinds of work, digital and traditional, 3D and otherwise.
Now, my page does have some rules:
If you're asked to stop doing something, stop.
If you came here only to flame, don't comment.
Repeat offenders will be blocked.
You do not have permission to use any of my work unless otherwise stated.
Anyways, that's about it. SilverHowler, out.
thanks for the support
I know its late but thank you so much for the watch, i'll be uploading three times a day so you'll have a lot to look forward to, have a wonderful day
Thank you for the fav!
Thanks for the fave on