silverangel902's avatar


11 Watchers7 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (12)
My Bio

Current Residence: Ontario, Canada
Favourite genre of music: Anything with a good beat.
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano

Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
XBOX360, PS2, Wii, DS, PSP, SNES
Tools of the Trade
Adobe PS 7, PSP X, Corel Capture, Nikon CoolPix L15.
Other Interests
Of the geeky variety
It was fun while it lasted but I've had enough.  Too many changes.  Cons > Pros.1)Cosplay appears to be half beauty contest, half whore expo with a mix of desperate sexually frustrated teenagers looking for attention.  3 pet peeves of mine in one area?  No thank you.  What happened to being a self respecting nerd having fun with more of their kind?  2)My sewing skills are not developing despite practice and extra training.  I can do awesome work in health care, save a life, perform emergency critical decision and make experienced professionals look like newbies...but can't follow a pattern without messing it up?!  It's time to wave the whi...
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0 min read
So once again missing out on conventions due to work.  I'd be less upset if my dim witted lazy uncaring opposite didn't get several approved days off no problem on weekends (including this past weekend):fork:.  At work for 13.5 hours yesterday as I was volun-told to catch up 2nd floor's paperwork while doing my job at the same time (day before I redid my co-workers work as it was horribly wrong).  Cold is still lingering.  Very tired and cranky.  Only found 2 photos of my White Phoenix cosplay and they didn't look so good.  My face is still un-photogenic despite $600 worth of fillers and several makeup lessons and new makeup brushes.  Very...
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So I'm excited for Polaris!  Never been but my friends have and they loved it.  Booked my room last month.  Slowly upgrading parts of the cosplay.  Ordered new fangs and gloves for Seras.  My new burgundy stockings came in the mail yesterday.  They are slightly lighter than the burgundy of the boots but it is close enough that I'm happy.  Need to buy stuff to style the wig.  I want it spikey-er.Also due to unexpected approved overtime ^^; I'm getting another cosplay together cause I am spontaneous like that and want another for Polaris/FanEx.  Would have jumped on the Eternal Sonata bandwagon but I like Rondo and she's got waaay to much cr...
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Profile Comments 15

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Thanks for the showcase congrats!! I'm so happy that everyone loves my costume :D

Have we met before? ...we have a lot of mutual friends XD
I was sitting next to Gilly at the B-Day party at the Loose Moose XD. I lack talent so I hang around talented people :). I have met you but haven't talked to you extensively.
Well I hope I talk to you more at the next gathering?...I'm going to be so embarrassed if I actually have you on facebook. I suck at immediately matching DA/ screennames to real names.
:). I'm not on your Facebook so don't worry. I just see you when you comment on somebody on my list's posts. Also I don't get out a lot due to my job. Weekends off are rare.
Hey you!
Thanks for the :+fav:~!
Thank you so much for the :+fav: on my Lulu picture ^^
Thanks for the watch! ^.^