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A2537| Flimrende



Purchased from Springfeild Farms (TheMeterMaid)


A2537 Flimrende 

Name: Flimrende

Nicknames: Flynn

Gender: Stallion

Breed: Nordanner (Modern)

Age: 8 years old

Height: 17hh

A quirky stallion with a bubbling personality. A pleasure to ride, he always aims to please. Flynn is very loving and adores the company of people. He has been known to lay down beside a sitting person, rolling onto his back for belly rubs.

1. Bombproof- you can't spook me
2. Loves apples, and will disobey a rider to get some out of a tree- do not ride near the orchard!
3. Loves to "lip" people


Discipline: Show jumping

Genotype: EE Aa nCr nCh nO CmpCmp 
50% chance of cream, champagne, and overo foals. 100% chance of cemophora foals.

Phenotype: amber cream champagne cemophora (overo carrier) 

Bloodlines: Blue bullets represent starters. Black bullets represent deceased.
------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: 1094 SFR's Fury of the Primordial DragonBullet; Blue
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: A1316 The False Prophet
------------------------------------------ SDS: 1001 BrutusBullet; Blue
----------------- SD: 2186 SFR's Memory of the Conqueror
------------------------------------------ SDD: 1030 MnemosyneBullet; Blue
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: 124 KSS Frostprins :bulletblack:Bullet; Blue
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: 855 Zmyeya
------------------------------------------ DDS: OS Charlie's Angels 468 Bullet; Blue
----------------- DD: OS Rhea 834
------------------------------------------ DDD: Riki* 450 Bullet; Blue

Related to (4) starters:

Unable to breed with the following AIS horses:

A2789 Poseidon
A2902 RH Puff Adder

Breeding and Buying Rules

All stud horses fall under these rules unless specified. Please sign the rules to show you have read them. If they are unsigned, I will presume you have read the rules. 


Breedings are closed as of now
If you'd be interested in a slot in the future, this stallion will need 200 kaaring to open more slots. Art is always appreciated!

First Bullet: Payment complete
Second Bullet: Certified mare/stallion- will be checked to be within all of Nordanner's Rules

Bullet; Red - unfinished l Bullet; Green - accepted/finished l Bullet; Purple - not required l Bullet; Black - slot used

1. Bullet; Purple l Bullet; Purple l :devenharmonia: to unknown l 
4. Bullet; Green l Bullet; Green l XxTheShadowGirlxX to unknown l 
5. Bullet; Red l Bullet; Red l Enharmonia to unknown l Breeding picture and mate required (as per past owner's rules)
6. Bullet; Red l Bullet; Red l Nikki148 to unknown l Breeding picture and mate required (as per past owner's rules)
8. Bullet; Purple l Bullet; Red l SilverStagStables to unknown l 
9. Bullet; Purple l Bullet; Green l Silver-Raven-Estate to 2272| TBS Aspen l NOTE SENT
10. Bullet; Purple l Bullet; Green l AhernStables to 2625 AS Cascavel l  

Kaaring Journal:

Tack: None yet

Reference used : Sha13 by Breathless-dk
Image size
3000x3000px 1.78 MB
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1+ Slot for AenInvaerne gifted by Enharmonia