Favorite genres of music: Metal / Rock / Industrial / Hardcore / 80s / K-Pop / some Classical / some Pop / a tiny bit of Rock-Country!
Favorite styles of art: Macro & nature photography are my favorites to take. But I love all types.
Favorite styles of art to view: nature, fantasy, minimal, abstract
Favorite audio streaming and media service: Spotify
I enjoy: Hanging out with friends, Movies, Music, Podcasts, Gaming, Learning new things, Going for walks, and of course Teaching
Important to me: Love ~ Family ~ Friends ~ Peace ~ Generosity ~ Compassion (not in order)
Personal Quotes: "~ ad meliora. alis aquilae. alea iacta est. ~", "I live to make people happy" & "Live, Laugh, Love" & "Keepin' It Metal Forever!!"
Favorite Quotes:
-- "On the road between the homes of friends, grass does not grow." ~ Norwegian proverb
-- "Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words, Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions, Consider and judge your actions, for they will become your habits..." - Unknown
-- "Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." ~Mother Theresa
-- "The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." - Author unknown.
~Remember To ~
Smile … You never know who's watching :)
Be Kind … You might be the turning point in somebody's difficult day
Express Gratitude … See the hidden grace and beauty in all things
Forget the troubles … Remember the blessings
Slow Down … But don't stop
Keep Learning … There's always something new and exciting to discover
Desire Peace … Eliminate life's' toxins that don't bring peace and tranquility
Be Curious … Not judgmental
You are enough … You do not need to prove anything to anybody
🔸I would love to hear from you, so please leave me a comment!
~ ad meliora. alis aquilae. alea iacta est. ~
You're very welcome! :)
Thanks for watching 😊
You're so welcome! Your work is great!