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Daily Deviation

July 26, 2009
White Swan by `silvanderwoerd will absolutely blow your mind. It is fresh and unique in a lot of ways. A lot of hard work went into this masterpiece. This filmmaker never fails to deliver, and you will be captivated from start to finish. This film will rob you of speech if not leave you breathless. The haunting song and the visuals won't easily leave your thoughts.
Featured by ElectrikPinkPirate
Suggested by Akajork
silvanderwoerd's avatar

White Swan



An exhausted, shivering girl is captured in a dark machinery world. As she escapes in to her imagination, a mesmerizing world unfolds.

visit [link] to see a high res version

>>> update Sunday July 26 2009
Thanks Akajork!

This independent video has no distributor yet attached, therefore it depends on a lot of promotion on the web. Please don't hesitate and link it everywhere! :)
If you know any cool sites where it could be featured, feel free, if you love to promote it on your facebook / myspace accounts, etc, that would be awesome!!!

Promote any of the following links:

White Swan on Deviantart:

White Swan in HD on Youtube:

White Swan on my personal website (highest resolution):

Thanks and enjoy!
Image size
720x360px 42.5 MB
© 2009 - 2025 silvanderwoerd
anonymous's avatar
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Delbert-uk's avatar
Superbly executed video I've linked it to my friends at the band Sick n Beautiful