Incomplete Thing 1: CelestiaSilFoe on DeviantArt

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Incomplete Thing 1: Celestia



I got a couple of pieces that I've had in my to do for too long, so I'm just going to post them as is and move on to newer, hopefully better things.

So incomplete thingy 1 was this armored Celestia with blade/shield wing thing that I don't know how it works 100%. Also features a photo matte background that was to eventually to be painted over.
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3840x2160px 2.75 MB
© 2016 - 2025 SilFoe
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Kiju243's avatar
I really hope you finish this, it's wonderful. I don't know what it is about Celestia in armor, but it's just so intimidating. I can just imagine the actual power she can wield when she isn't being hit with the nerf-bat by Hasbro in order to make Twilight and co seem stronger.