Commission: FeathermarkingSilFoe on DeviantArt

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SilFoe's avatar

Commission: Feathermarking



So apparently there's this thing called feathermarking being perpetuated by Tchernobyl. I had heard a little bit about it before and read it's originating fanfic…

He then commissioned me to make a piece about feathermarking involving AJ and Dash. While sketching out something else in a livestream, someone made a joke about AJ marking Dash with a featherduster. I loved it, thought it was cute and funny all at once. So I did it.

So here's AJ trying her best to endear herself to a pegasus using body language she doesn't have the limbs for. 
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3543x2662px 2.2 MB
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Don't laugh Dashy, or no more cider, & Wandercolts.

Rainbow Dash: Nnnnooo Far.