silentsketcher on DeviantArt

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silentsketcher's avatar

Fast Food Mafia



So here's the colored version of my previous deviation, which I'm quite pleased with. Anyway, enjoy! :D

All characters are copyright their respective owners.

EDIT: Wow! I really didn't expect this to get so popular. Because of this, it's given me some incentive to make a few more mafia bosses. I'll be adding them in with the original five in another deviation. And I'm leaning towards making it available as a print. We'll see.

Also, I wanted to say thanks to the people that have promoted my work on their sites like Domestic Geek, Laughing Squid, and Serious Eats.

Normally I don't bother with watermarking my work, but seeing how popular this piece has gotten it seems like a good idea. I trust it doesn't distract too much from the portraits.
Image size
963x1202px 282.6 KB
© 2009 - 2024 silentsketcher
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johnnyboy1989's avatar
Wow now thats what i call fast food mafia I'm guessing you watched mafia movies and shows to i myself might do it to cause i eat fast food to and I'm hoping to draw fast food mascots from either to the mafia or anime to superheroes and villains what is the best away to draw them cause I just got myself a drawing tablet last week I'm trying to get a new laptop to for the hardware and were did you draw this on