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Fox in the Snow



Snowstorm today =( I thought spring was coming! Ah well, this little foxie seems to be enjoying himself. I couldn't resist the thought of a red fox walking through a forest, paw deep in snow and calmly admiring the flakes falling around him. Unfortunately my scanner didn't pick up a lot of the detail in the snow on the ground, but I'll try and upload a better file later.

A little bit of an experiment, both with background and medium. For this I used a base of watercolor and then acrylic on top to make things look more 'solid'. Let me know how it turned out, as I might try it again in the future =3
Image size
740x925px 746.94 KB
© 2009 - 2024 SilentRavyn
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SnowyPigeon's avatar

Aww that's so cute! :aww: You did such an amazing job on this piece! :) I really love getting to see traditional artwork!