Happy New year ,,i wish all of you a Happy Year :Dfull of joy and happinesseach year i write a wish list of what i want achvies in this year ,,until now i didn't write anything but i have many thing i want to do it ,,How about you ?!do u have have anything you want to do it in this year :aww:i took some picture of the Firework in the new year ..it was amazing .. :Dwow firework :dance::thumb277004322:
Hello Form AD ..
Happy national Day 40 .. :love: :love:I was in AD to attend the celebrations ..
I didn't thought it will be like this ..
It was amazing and I took as much as I can from it ..
Here some snap ..the weather was amazing :love:Coffee in the cold weather :heart:snap from the Celecbration ..40 :love:40 again my bro was one of them and I was lucky that
I took picture of him without knowing that he will be with them ..
I know later about that :Dafter the break ..I like how the lighting show .. :heart:wow firework :dance:who attended the celebrating ?!!check my last shot :D:thumb272296780: :thumb272322837: :thumb272476474:
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