
Thursday-The day of misfortune

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Silentkill450's avatar

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I have always dreaded the arrival of Thursday all my life.................well, ever since I was a few years younger. Thursday is when all hell breaks loose! In other words, it’s when I have incredibly bad luck. The only sign revealing the coming of this day is when I wake up from a dream that ended with either a swarm of bees going after me, or by a natural disaster. During the day itself, I would get stricken by lightning, stub my toe a million time, and go near a malfunctioning vending machine at the wrong time...............more on THAT later.
Well, here is another one. I’m currently on vacation so I haven’t been able to make these things more often but what can I say? I’m just one dude.
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WhiteRoseBrian's avatar
This is an evocative introduction.