From summer to the fall

7 min read

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silencedesreves's avatar

I am celebrating the end of the summer, the start of the fall and being here on dA for 8 years now with this wonderful feature of dreamy and nostalgic art.
Thank you, all of you, for being around here. I hope you are well. I have grown so much all these years, as an artist and as a person. I haven't been active these last few years, I feel as if I am missing my place.
I still feel everything around me as intensely as I used to, but I can't express myself the same way, or any other way. I still linger in front of certain windows, gardens, rooms, people. I wonder about their stories, I write them down sometimes.
Maybe I will find that place again someday. Until then, I live through your art, and it's all so, so wonderful. 

without manip by Semansis    Train... by monikha  Let's go for a ride by bebefromtheblock    hair by Megson  

<da:thumb id="383555714"/>   I Want You To Stay by play-my-game  <da:thumb id="388212507"/>  <da:thumb id="378351571"/>  Soldier Of Love by CocoMagnolia   vat triptych 9 by ezorenier

Under Remembrance by EmilySoto  <da:thumb id="373686776"/>  on velvet waves by TheAutumnLeaves   . . .         .. ..          .   . . ..  .  ..  . by Frozen-photo   Hazy Farewell by NataliaDrepina

a thin veil by abreathlessdream   Growth Pains by Anina-Bird  Calm before the meteor storm by kamakebelieve  Leave this fall to me by NataliaDrepina  <da:thumb id="370117111"/>  <da:thumb id="393007451"/>  <da:thumb id="279501504"/>

<da:thumb id="404692618"/>   Forget me not by czas  <da:thumb id="369368407"/>  <da:thumb id="417588559"/>  



© 2014 - 2025 silencedesreves
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uglybug's avatar
Lovely :] Thank you for including my images :flowerpot: