[COLLAB] Undead DragonSikari888 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/sikari888/art/COLLAB-Undead-Dragon-474541142Sikari888

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Sikari888's avatar

[COLLAB] Undead Dragon



Collaboration with: Noir1992

Sketch: Noir1992
Colour: Sikari888

For freaking three months! Nothing happened.... Lol.

I'm really sorry Viet that I wasn't able to finish this dragon. Sad to say, the file got corrupted, and it might require me to start things from scratch. If you're still up for another collaboration, I promise I'll do my best to finish it on time. *cries*

I'm such a terrible artist :icontearplz:

School's really a bother... I mean... I have exams this week, and next week. And seriously, I don't have that much free time anymore. Senior High took every bit of my schedule, and I don't have a choice but to comply with its demands.

Jeez, only a quarter percent of the commissions have I managed to complete, and I still have tons of shit to do.


Lol, my apologies really.
Image size
1620x1145px 577.26 KB
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Noir1992's avatar
Hey, no problem, I'm patient :P Thank you again for the collaboration :meow: