Don't look downSiimamon on DeviantArt

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Don't look down


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I can't believe there's barely any fan art of Link climbing the beanstalk from the minish cap o-o
The minish cap was my very first game and holy shit, I had so much fun playing through it, I felt it was on hard mode all the time because my English skills were so poor at the age of eight or nine..

Alternate title: "HOLY BALLS!"
ahaha jk

EDIT: what's up with the views and favourites? Thank you? ;w;

EDIT EDIT: I just had to fix a few details that was bothering me, also I added a little more glow effects to emphasis the, idk magic atmosphere? ;w;
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3000x2500px 8.1 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Siimamon
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Peckyjr's avatar

let‘s hope someone’s down there to catch link if he falls… cause if not that’s gonna be a looooooong fall…