Im the owner of a great little website that is full of amazing members. I like long walks on the moon, sliding down rainbows, and riding dragons...
Current Residence: On the planet earth i think...
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Ummm, in the XL area if i may...
Print preference: Thumbs first please!
Favourite genre of music: Rock/Metal
Favourite style of art: All forms of art.
Operating System: Windows Vista
MP3 player of choice: WMP
Shell of choice: ?Seashell?
Wallpaper of choice: Whatever seems fitting at the moment
Skin of choice: My own if i ever get comfortable in it!
Favourite cartoon character: Cartman, bëcÅü§ë hë§ §σ ¢σσℓ
Personal Quote: A true freind will stab you in the front