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Current Residence: Bucharest, Romania (the home of Dracula, Hagi, Nadia...Nikita and Naomi the Girly Man
deviantWEAR sizing preference: The same as you're average collosal two-headed non-smoking behemoth.
Print preference: If you have it printed right now, and I can't see it from where I am, then think bigger!
Favourite genre of music: Electro/House/Trance/Vocal
Favourite photographer: Portrait: M-a-e-e(Mey) / Macro: Blepharopsis(Igor Siwanowicz) / DPainter: Adonihs(Dan Luvisi)
Favourite style of art: macro photography and digital painting
Operating System: Windows XP SP2 (I'm Vista ready , but who cares...)
MP3 player of choice: The Benq Siemens EF81's mp3 player
Shell of choice: Turtle's
Wallpaper of choice: minimalist abstract
Skin of choice: tanned (or white, if you have blue eyes )
Favourite cartoon character: Bender (Futurama), and Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) -just cause he's fckin' awesome-
Personal Quote: "Eh, rahat!?"(credit me if you use it!)