Favourite Visual Artist
Kerem Beyit, Todd Lock Wood, Ciruelo, Brom and Justin Sweet, Vladimir Rikowski
Favourite Movies
Return of the King - Labyrinth among others
Favourite TV Shows
Supernatural, Gravity Falls, Regular Show, A-Team, Mc Gyver, Xena, etc etc etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
From Loreena Mac Kennith to Aerosmith ^^
Favourite Writers
Robert Jordan/David Eddings/Terry Pratchett
Favourite Games
The Witcher, LOTRO, Dragon Age, WOW -just a tiny bit-, Diablo I & II Guild Wars II
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC all the way!
Tools of the Trade
Mixed media (traditional) and PS CS4, ocassionally Painter XII and ArtRage
Other Interests
Writing, fantasy and epic books, prerraphaelist and classic painting, fantasy art, beer, coffe in all it's forms, MORPG's...