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Gingerbread Dragon



The New Years Mechanic~

:star:"Piparkoogi maania 2011" ("Gingerbread Mania 2011") [link] (about the contest & other entries in the same category)
:trophy: Results: 1st place
:star: "The most beautiful gingerbread 2011" by Õhtuleht [link]
:bulletblack: Results: nothing. ;p I cant belive the winner was decided through how high the pics were rated... I mean... It was possible to give multiple votes for yourself and rate down others. :<
:bulletblue:Size: the tray ⌀30cm, height to horns 19cm
:bulletblue:Time: ~68 hours during 2 weeks + 4 hours on the barely noticable clock drawing on the tray
~600g gingerbread
~200g caramel candy
~300g glaze
+crushed peanuts and chocolate sprinkles
eyes are made of crushed blue M&M's

Honestly... I feel a bit guilty for having to compete in the 11-18 year old category... D: I mean... The things what a 11 year old and 18 year old make isnt that... Comparable. :/

Yeaa.... So THIS is what Ive been keeping myself busy with for the last two weeks. :dummy:

Wanted to make sth different from all the regular over-glazed ginger houses. ;p

Basically, this is made out of lil ginger cubes and sticked together with *lotsandlotsandlots* of CARAMEL! :la: + filled with cocoa glaze. First made it in three bigger parts and then connected them together with *hellofalotmore* caramel. Thats why the body is so... square-ish. :I

Mmm~ The decorating part was my favorite~ Can you tell? :D


Happy Dragons Year! :heart:
Image size
1000x768px 770.74 KB
Canon PowerShot A3100 IS
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 30, 2011, 3:06:20 PM
Sensor Size
© 2011 - 2024 Si3art
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DragonReiko's avatar
Holy mother of creation this is amazing tó amazing to be eaten :la: