What Is Photography?

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Photographs are amazing.  Through photographs, we preserve history - our child's first steps, a decaying landscape, or rare and endangered animals.  We use photographs to recall the first steps on the moon, the inauguration of a new president, the lifting of a flag on a far-away hill during war.  Mothers laboriously decorate large scrapbooks just to protect their precious memories.   Photographs evoke the essence of places we have not been, we perhaps will not return to, and should never forget.  

With a photograph, I can bring someone from his or her spot on the globe to mine.  They can stand with me in the midst of a pine forest or walk in hushed silence through the musky light of a swamp.  In reverse, through the images of others, I have walked across hot, sandy deserts; I have stood on immense mountaintops, and pushed my way through steamy rainforests.  Photographs have introduced me to families, mothers and fathers I have never met, and told the story of lives intertwined forever.  In short, photographs are very important.

Photographs "become" through making choices, and great photographs become through making right choices.  Right choices are the direct result of the knowledge of the photographer.  Great photographs are NOT, however, strictly the result of owning fancy equipment.  Anyone using most any camera can take an incredible photograph.

Atul Tiwari
Shutter Punch!

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