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MLP -- Best Gift Ever Holiday Special Follow-up
Hearthswarming may be quite a ways away, but lets all be happy that this special is much closer to that very date! I remember hearing about this special earlier in the year, and there wasn't really much said about it besides that it is a pretty relaxed Hearthswarming special. The synopsis only told us so much, but it seems like everypony is going to be coming together, figuring out the perfect gift to get for this Hearthswarming! One of the best things about these holiday specials is the music that comes with it. I'm really hoping for quite a bit of new holiday music from this special and hoping that everypony makes their decision that fam
MLP SEASON 8 -- Season 8 FINALE Follow-Up
Well, well... the finale came fast, and it was only a matter of time until Cozy Glow was the confirmed villain for this season. At first, I didn't think nothing of her... other than her being too adorable! After seeing many meme's and pointers, things got a lot more obvious and the recent signs of her being evil puts the cherry top top of everything! If there is one thing I like, it's surprises, but unfortunately, with all of the early releases and leaks this year, those surprises are not there. The synopsis of this finale also points it out unfortunately too, but of course... it was only a matter of time until we all figure it out. Noneth
MLP SEASON 8 -- Father Knows Beast Follow-Up
Little to nothing is known about Spike's parents... that is until now. Here's hoping we get to dive deeper into the past of this little dragon that has been with Twilight ever since he first hatched. To me, I feel like Twilight is the overall perfect mother for him, just look at the way she treats him half the time. The motherly instincts we've saw throughout the years between these two is everlasting. I'm really excited and I can't wait to see at least what Spike's possible dad may look like. He claims to be his father, but unfortunately... that may not be entirely true. Also... being a Spike episode, really hoping that he shines again as
MLP SEASON 8 -- Sounds of Silence Follow-Up
So the friendship quests are back again. It has been quite a while since our last friendship map calling this season and I'm pretty excited to see just where this location is going to be. Applejack and Fluttershy have solved the most confusing friendship problem a few seasons back and I don't think this friendship problem should be all too hard to solve. Something that I would love to see is more ponies going solo whenever the map calls for help. I sure would love to see just how Fluttershy would handle a friendship problem that is all up to her to solve without anypony else; she has grown a lot over the past several seasons after all. Th
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The Episode name actually is "The Saddle Row Review"