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Shy Introduction



rainbow dash (super awesome) plz  :iconsaysplz: "I'd like to introduce you to Fluttershy."

Agreeing Soarin icon  :iconsaysplz: "Hi... my name is Soarin, what's yours?"

:iconflutterblushpplz: :iconsaysplz: "Um... Fluttershy." ~ :heart:


Requested by: :iconcrimson-kaizer:

This is one of the most adorable introductions ever from cute Flutters. Just a shy blush and "look away" coming from her.
At first, I didn't want to include Soarin's cutie mark because we have no clue when he got his. It's my head canon that he got his cutie mark whenever he was a stallion and joined the Wonderbolts.

Thank you!

If some of you are not familiar with my work... please feel free to check my profile.
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4965x2628px 4.41 MB
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