ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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"I'd like to introduce you to Fluttershy."
"Hi... my name is Soarin, what's yours?"
"Um... Fluttershy." ~
Requested by:
This is one of the most adorable introductions ever from cute Flutters. Just a shy blush and "look away" coming from her.
At first, I didn't want to include Soarin's cutie mark because we have no clue when he got his. It's my head canon that he got his cutie mark whenever he was a stallion and joined the Wonderbolts.
Thank you!
If some of you are not familiar with my work... please feel free to check my profile.
"Hi... my name is Soarin, what's yours?"
"Um... Fluttershy." ~
Requested by:
This is one of the most adorable introductions ever from cute Flutters. Just a shy blush and "look away" coming from her.
At first, I didn't want to include Soarin's cutie mark because we have no clue when he got his. It's my head canon that he got his cutie mark whenever he was a stallion and joined the Wonderbolts.
Thank you!
If some of you are not familiar with my work... please feel free to check my profile.
Image size
4965x2628px 4.41 MB
© 2016 - 2024 ShutterflyEQD
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