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ShutterflyEQD's avatar

Happy New Year 2018 !



Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet Fireworks{F2U} Red Firework Bullet 

Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Post #2…

Thanks everyone! 

Windy Whistles  :iconsaysplz: "WOOOHOOO!! GET WASTED!!!"

MLP Rainbow Dash (Dazed) Plz  :iconsaysplz: "Uhh... mom... dad... I d-don't *HIC* feel so good."

Happy New Year 2018 !

I'm sure you all thought 2017 was quite the year for ponies... with all the rediculous leaks... early showings and such. I sure hope that Hasbro takes full control over this in 2018.
With all the ranting aside... last year really did have A LOT of exciting things! The movie being the BIGGEST impact too! You better prepare yourselves too because we're going to be 
bombarded with A LOT more season 8 news real soon. Have a safe and happy new year everyone!

Arrow left Arrow left Season 8 is just a few months away!

RELEASE DATE: Spring 2018

 MLP Rainbow Dash (Winking 2) Plz 

Thank you!

If some of you are not familiar with my work... please feel free to check my profile.
Image size
3220x2141px 1.85 MB
© 2018 - 2024 ShutterflyEQD
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