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Happy Birthday Gummy !



Now Featured on Equestria Daily!
Post #11
Thanks everyone !

Pinkie Pie Smile Icon 2  :iconsaysplz: "Oh Gummy. Another year passed and you're growing up so fast!"

Gummy (...) plz :iconsaysplz: "..."

Pinkie pie (the Fourth Wall) plz
:iconsaysplz: "I know right!?!? I'm excited too!"

Pinkie's birthday may have been a day ago, but we can still celebrate Gummy's "unknown" birthday!" 
Besides... not much is even known about this pet alligator of Pinkie's and maybe the show can enlighten us a little more about him too!

Pinkie pie (hmm...) plz 

Thank you!

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FlareEmerald77's avatar
Gummy (bilnk eye) plz What is the meaning of life? Are we all forever destined to an existence we know nothing of?
But I didn't listen (Pinkie Pie) PLZ I love you too!