Name: Drew C.
Birthday: February 25
Likes: G/t, drawing, Pokémon, my dog
Dislikes: insects, rude people, my homicidal urges against said rude people, my dog's lack of house training
Assuming you haven't already answered this for @AssassinJ2 or that you have but can't find the comment, what happened to Joe and Venny before this:
Did they shrink?
We should assume so.
Since @PG1224 said in these comments: that you can be considered the dad of Joe and Vinny how would you go about restoring them to normal size?
Can you please STOP spying on my comments and replies to get answers or info?
It's annoying and frustrating.
Also, I heard you've been making some friends of mine uncomfortable with your replies and such, so I suggest you stop coming up with these scenarios you have in mind about my characters. Or at least stop bringing them up.
I don't know what you're talking about, but can you please not at me in random conversations?
Honestly, not sure- they aren’t my characters, and it was done as a gift for me. Though judging by the stitch work, I’d assume this is something where they’re naturally tiny.
Thank you for answering but just out of curiosity what would you imagine happening before if they'd been shrunken?