Create Your Own Pokemon Contest!

3 min read

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ShroomSuccubus's avatar
How To Enter  
1. Watch me
2. Favorite this Journal.
3. Make a journal about This Contest
4. Comment below saying you have done all of this.

Idea Of The Contest - 
Create your own Pokemon!
Design it. Create it!
It can be whatever you want! Grass type, electric type, water type, green, purple, tall, short, long wide. It is YOURS to create!

1. Must be unique
2. Do NOT copy anyone else's pokemon!
3. If your picture has to be hidden. Then it does NOT qualify 
4. Must do all of the " How To Enter " Qualifications'
5. HAVE FUN!!!!


1st Place - 150Points 
2nd Place - 100Points 
3rd Place - 50Points  

How to increase your Chances
1. Making a Digital Picture WILL increase your chances :T
2. Making a Ref Sheet will increase your chances
3. Telling me if it has Evolutions. 
4. Listing traits of Pokemon will increase your chance
EX: type, likes, dislikes, where it lives

Deadline - 
Contest Ends 12/31/14

GOOD LUCK!!!! :yay: 

( If you Have Any Questions Please Note Me about it ) 

Entered - 

Entries - 

Sneglethee by Voodoo-Who-Do
Boonnie by Kittyy-Cattyy
Mystanese by bleedingwings12
Fakemon by Pyopon-Adopts
© 2014 - 2024 ShroomSuccubus
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Pyopon-Adopts's avatar
here's my entry~ Fakemon by Pyopon-Adopts