BA - mr freezeshoze on DeviantArt

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shoze's avatar

BA - mr freeze



my computer has been on the mend for the last couple of weeks but its relatively ok now so im finally starting to ease back into drawing mode.

a Freeze redesign for :iconbattle-artist:

even though he doesn't really shine in the batman universe, mr. freeze's episode in the 90's animated series was one of my favorites and i was thinking of honoring him with a page of different designs but i quickly realized i wasn't up to it so i had my fun with a single design.

i gave him a brain dome instead of a regular helmet so the cryogenic freeze will be more critical. besides, exposed brains are cool :)
Image size
610x754px 135.63 KB
© 2014 - 2025 shoze
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orionillustrations's avatar
Just realized my wording was unclear. I submitted, as in uploaded, my drawing from two years ago to my page not to the contest that you are in. I hope you win your battle.