Visit shot-land on Fotocommunity and Model-Kartei:
My name is Markus. In 1981 I was born in Herten (NRW, Germany) where I still live today. In 2005 when I both got my DSLR and made my first steps towards photography I had no idea what I was myself getting into. After that there were lots of courses and workshops on specific topics which were as interesting as complex: basics, flash, indoor, outdoor, nature, people, setting light and then came image editing, a whole science for itself again... From 2007 I was allowed to gather studio experience which was a big influence and is still real fun for me today. Meanwhile I've got my own little home studio where I can experiment and enjoy being creative when I'm not outdoor.
A friend once said the camera takes you to places you never would have discovered without it and compared photography with a drug: high addictive potential at expensive prices. He was right in both cases. I experienced much with my camera and got to know great people. Photography means to me taking things easy and positive stress. Thereby camera, fresh air and daylight is as much fun to me as the big battle of material in the studio. Even though the gothic scene had a huge impact on me I like my favourite motif 'people' in variety. I'd like to give space to classic portraits, colour as to non-conformist freethinkers.
What else?
likes: strong colours, contrast, b/w, blur on purpose, the UK, nature, cycling, spring
watches: SciFi, fantastical, documentaries, classics, English
listens to: 80s, Rock, Indie, EBM, Minimal
reads: Dickens, Doyle, Poe, Shakespeare, Verne
Time for Pictures
Shootings take place on TfP-basis, which means nobody earns money. Instead model and photographer may use the images created together non-commercially. I like to work with beginners and realize your (and my) ideas. This can be talked through at an easy meeting. It's important for me that everybody has fun and leaves the shooting with a good feeling.