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ShortStuf7's avatar

Day 54 of Gulf Oil Disaster



The news has bombarded us with the on-goings of this disaster in the gulf, and has been throwing numbers around for a while, but I couldn't imagine the numbers in any relative sense.

I made this image to hopefully spread knowledge of the true magnitude of this disaster and put it in relative terms.

Good luck and best wishes to all whom are involved in the massive cleanup and prevention efforts!

Download full for enormous version for printing or etc.

Fixed the mathematical errors and replaced empire state building comparison with white house. Thanks to those who pointed out the mistakes!

Posted on Vizworld!

If you use this anywhere, please don't modify and do remember to give credit.
Image size
3300x14000px 1 MB
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Sabata-17801's avatar
that's pretty intense there. they need to stop acting dumb and do something about it! meh, who am i to be talking?