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shortpinay's avatar

Something Beautiful



I want to paint something beautiful.


Update 27 June 2016: Thank you to everyone who has supported me so far. This drawing is from quite a while ago for me.. I've felt a bit discouraged from drawing especially the past year due to a medical problem, but coming back to deviantART reminds me that there was something that has brought me such joy in my life and an unforgettable experience in my journey in my passion for art: this community! I've recently thought "I've lived my art days.. But it was part of my past", but you all remind me that my art is meaningful.. And it's definitely part of me. I would think it was weird when people said to me before: "you draw yourself a lot".. But I guess it just showed what a reflection my art is of myself. I lived it, I breathed it. I love it. I am more than honored to share this journey with every single one of you, even that you simply click any art piece of mine from a thumbnail. I really love and appreciate every single one of you! Please wish me luck as I continue forward in my journey in art, and that I can live out my own slogan from long ago and "GO! And draw FEARLESSLY!"

Please commission me if you can, it would be so greatly appreciated! Feel free to send me a note if you are interested :')

:thumb315529289: :thumb178610240: :thumb153922175: :thumb183349821:
Image size
737x1031px 580.57 KB
© 2012 - 2024 shortpinay
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YOurButterflyEffect's avatar

your piece is most definitely, something beautiful. :clap::love: