Favourite genre of music: Original soundtracks... Video game music especially!!
Favourite style of art: Nearly all kinds of style!!
Favourite cartoon character: Touko AOZAKI
Personal Quote: Too busy to think about something cool...
Hi happy to finaly see you womewhere pretty hard to get to see what you are doing (or I suck at it). found you with BB and Outlaw Players around 2016 hope to see more of you even as webcomics
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The group can be found here 13paths.deviantart.com/ and is always open for new members that are interested in RPing, writing stories, drawing, or even all of the above.
Theme: Fantasy
Plot: The world in separeted into two main kingdoms that have been living in peace for as long as they can remember. This changes when one of the kingdoms grows tired of living in the shadow of it's ally, and decides to split the alliance. At the same time, more and more quarrels begin to happen between the two, and are gradually leading the two kingdoms into a war between each other.
The group offers a variety of races to choose from, events as the plot progresses, a good time with other members, and the possibility to design creatures and flora for the group.
Everyone that is interested is welcome, information about how to join can be found on the front page of the group 13paths.deviantart.com/