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I'm bad at Science



Look I may be really got at math, but science makes absolutely no sense. Ion, valences, electron, lattice, electrolytes, protons, subatomic particle, balance formulas, N=N? THIS MAKES NO SENSE!!!! The only category in science that makes sense is physics cuz you see it happen all the time! HOW THE HELL DOES HIGHER ENERGY LEVELS MAKE AN ELECTRON MORE STABLE!!??? You would thing something more powerful would be less stable. And why are electrons so important? AND WHO CARE WHAT CHARGE THE PARTICLES ARE?? UGH!! *sigh* Let me calm down for a minute... disregard the upside-down hand.... I'm way too lazy to fix that... at least at the moment. Oh, and I tried to do a fish eye lens effect but it didn't turn out the way i hoped but I still like it since the character's expression itself expresses how dramatic its supposed to be. Enjoy
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