Logo of The DX Divas Showshnoogums5060 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/shnoogums5060/art/Logo-of-The-DX-Divas-Show-209610489shnoogums5060

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shnoogums5060's avatar

Logo of The DX Divas Show



Music in mind for this special logo of my fanfic series:
Mega Man X4 Opening Theme (US version) [link]

Since i've decided to finally bring my own fanfic series based on my DX Divas, in all of their crazy adventures, i thought to myself "Why not bring a logo for the series in itself?"

So, since some did logos for their own stuff, here's my logo representing my DX Divas and the series that they'll be in. Of course, i've kinda drawn the WWE's DX logo in it, but added the other spots in this logo that you see here. Regardless, this is the logo of my female protagonists, as crazy as they can be.

And the main music for this one is the opening theme of Mega Man X4, although i could've used the Break It Down music, their official theme for it, but... there was no edit to that, so the X4 opening theme will do nicely.

Copyrights of the aforementioned belongs to the following:

DX Divas Show: (C) *shnoogums5060
Original concept of the DX logo: (C) WWE Inc.
Mega Man X4 US Opening Theme: (C) Capcom
Image size
1280x960px 66.52 KB
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Volvom's avatar
This looks great! 8D