Webcam isn't mine obviously ffft.
Name: Heiwajima Shizuo 平和島静雄
Birthday: January 28th
Age: 24
Blood Type: O
Likes: To reply to comments, sweet things, milk, watching martial artists, running brooks and to lay in the sun
Dislikes: Violence, beer, bitter things, and gambling
Special Category: Orihara Izaya
My name means "Serene man, Peaceful Island"
Most of anyone who's ever heard of me would disagree.
Current Residence: Ikebukuro, Japan
MP3 player of choice: MP3 player...? I use Izaya's iPhone if I'm not at home.
Shell of choice: Seashell? I like the ones you can listen to the ocean in.
Skin of choice: Skin...? That sounds like some fucked up thing Izaya would ask.
Favourite cartoon character: Pikachu
Personal Quote: Peace.