With the weather shifting so abruptly, the Khan recognizes the plight of the people and wishes to aid them during this time. Register here so that you may have the opportunity to receive exclusive Shi'vali, jining, companions and more!
The advent calendar will begin December 1st and end December 25th.
Each day a new prize will be revealed, the winners being selected via RNG.
You will be able to sign up for this event starting now, up until it ends. However, you will only be eligible for prizes that have not yet been revealed.
Ex: If you sign up December 18th, you will not be eligible for any of the prizes awarded from December 1st to 17th.
To register, simply fill out this form here: goo.gl/forms/EBLV9zaTRtkQ4p702
<da:thumb id="500833172"/>
1. TierRen - proof
2. TSDTR - proof
3. Charlie-Fox-Trot - proof
4. Lajean-Ra - proof
5. Tesurii - proof
6. KirraQ - proof
7. amserpand - proof
8. Anaktes - proof
9. Wild-Dracoyena - proof
10. Runandwine - proof
11. Lei-Leiurus - proof
12. Tinadactyl - proof
13. Xaishi, OwenStardust, Surkrinth - proof
14. leiknen - proof
15. FlyingAce1917 - proof
16. Pathea - proof
17. Salt-Dog - proof
18. Thermrone - proof
19. CoffeeHunter - proof
20. Machati - proof
21. Cani-bal - proof
22. Storm-Blue - proof
23. Hirvlased - proof
24. Chamodile - proof
25. Proof
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Advent Winners
1. TierRen - proof
2. TSDTR - proof
3. Charlie-Fox-Trot - proof
4. Lajean-Ra - proof
5. Tesurii - proof
6. KirraQ - proof
7. amserpand - proof
8. Anaktes - proof
9. Wild-Dracoyena - proof
10. Runandwine - proof
11. Lei-Leiurus - proof
12. Tinadactyl - proof
13. Xaishi, OwenStardust, Surkrinth - proof
14. leiknen - proof
15. FlyingAce1917 - proof
16. Pathea - proof
17. Salt-Dog - proof
18. Thermrone - proof
19. CoffeeHunter - proof
20. Machati - proof
21. Cani-bal - proof
22. Storm-Blue - proof
23. Hirvlased - proof
24. Chamodile - proof
25. Proof