The Sea...Shiva-Aure on DeviantArt

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Shiva-Aure's avatar

The Sea...



I wanted this photomanipulation to have a message for you so please read carefully the text below:

It is the sea of life a nightmare
For the searching and ever coming back.
In the middle of the empty nowhere
In a deep hole that is getting black

The sea
Is a pool full of tears that shed
My solitude that was thus fed
With the outrage voices uttered by the sirens.
The sea
Is the vast void from I can't flee
Is the smooth mirror of my glee
Like liquid stuff of blurred time

In the unstill bluish sea
Searching a port that cares for me
Coming back to get free
My tortured soul

I can ride
In love the waves in glide
In love I'm looking for a reason to hold on
Hearing in the sea an old tone
Of mermaids at my side
While the waves make my ocean tide

The sea
Is where I just try to make sense
Of this life fabric thick and dense
Where I can feel distress and dismay for me.
The sea
Is the great well of fantasy
Whose source is our melancholy
From which springs up and flows

In the unstill bluish sea
Searching a port that cares for me
Coming back to get free
My tortured soul

The sea
Is a pool full of tears that shed
My solitude that was thus fed
With the outrage voices uttered by the sirens.
The sea
Is the vast void from I can't flee
Is the smooth mirror of my glee
Like liquid stuff of blurred time

Dark Moor: The Sea

I've used:

*Lisajen-stock: Mermaid [link]
~UrbanNature-Stock: rock [link]
~gothika-stock: ship [link]
^radioPooh: crystal ball [link]
~innocencestock: that sth under the crystal ball :P [link]
*SurfindaMatrixStk: one part of sea [link]
*HarleyBliss: mermaid's tail [link]
The fog: I've drawn myself (using the mouse)

Thanks a lot for your stocks :glomp:

Photomanipulation made for the *Lisajen-stock Ultimate Fairy Contest.
About 15 hrs of work (during 2-week invention), made fully in Photoshop CS3 (and I dont use tablet :dance:), original size 2000x3000 px.

...Kfyatek jak mi teraz powiesz że coś jest nie tak to Cie osobiście utłukę!! :P...
Image size
2000x3000px 2.36 MB
© 2007 - 2025 Shiva-Aure
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