Awesomeguy's Wig Cutting Tutorial Part 1shisukoisa on DeviantArt

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Awesomeguy's Wig Cutting Tutorial Part 1



This is my first tutorial that I have made myself so please don't get angry if it doesn't make any sense ^^;

Wig cutting tutorial [part 2]

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© 2012 - 2025 shisukoisa
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sg13NHarri's avatar
I was just wondering... I'm designing a full costume part of which requires parts of a wig to be cut different ways. The costume I'm designing is a jedi costume with a 'somewhat' narrow strip of hair left long, right along the middle of the head, while the rest is cut probably into a pixie cut (I haven't gotten a chance to design the hair yet), save for a small amount behind the right ear. How would I cut the short pieces, so I achieve both a natural look, and the style that I want?