Fido, you're an animal.shirotsuki on DeviantArt

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shirotsuki's avatar

Fido, you're an animal.



wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee done! er, wow, i hope i didn't kill it ; ;. i swear, ive been all too jittery about arting lately. but i do like how this came out, so green and nice! it makes me think a little of a magi nation pic i did waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day. well.. not too far back in the day, but still.

them's my friend's ragnarok characters, KD the assassin, and Fido, the assassin cross. ah, i missed ragnarok. im finally playing again myself, i thought that would never happen. anyhoo, the characters are theirs, the art is by meh of course so please dont use it without permission! done on a piece of card stock, inked in open canvas 4+, and colored between photoshop 7.0 and open canvas 4+.

edit, damn! that is a tiny preview window oo;
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987x825px 441.32 KB
© 2005 - 2025 shirotsuki
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